
be able to brea­the freely
have less ten­si­on and less pain
use my body well with only as much force as necessary

I would like to…

make new experiences
deve­lop con­fi­dence in myself
give up bad habits and deve­lop bet­ter habits

make new experiences
deve­lop con­fi­dence in myself
give up bad habits and deve­lop bet­ter habits

I would like to…

… im Beruf, beim Sport, beim Singen,beim Spie­len Dei­nes Instru­ments, im All­tag, bei der Haus- und Gartenarbeit

… im Beruf,
… beim Sport
… beim Singen
… beim Spie­len Dei­nes Instruments,
… im All­tag: Auto­fah­ren, Heimwerken…
… bei der Haus- und Gartenarbeit

… im Beruf,
… beim Sport, beim Singen
… beim Spie­len Dei­nes Instruments,
… im All­tag: Auto­fah­ren, Heimwerken…
… bei der Haus- und Gartenarbeit

move free­ly,
easi­ly and
in balance

move free­ly, easi­ly and in balance

I would like to…
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Alexander Technique — Live in balance

I would like to…

be able to brea­the free­ly
have less ten­si­on and less pain
use my body well with only as much force as necessary

make new expe­ri­en­ces
deve­lop con­fi­dence in mys­elf
give up bad habits and deve­lop bet­ter habits

Many people come to the Alexander Technique because they have back pain, hip problems, or knee problems. Some suffer from neck pain or shoulder tension and nothing has helped so far.Here this method can help to relieve pain and in the long term the symptoms can even disappear completely.

Many people come to the Alexander Technique because they have back pain, hip problems, or knee problems. Some suffer from neck pain or shoulder tension and nothing has helped so far.Here this method can help to relieve pain and in the long term the symptoms can even disappear completely.