Group lessons face to face & online

Groups usual­ly con­sist of three to six peo­p­le. Les­sons last 60 to 90 minu­tes — depen­ding on group size.
Each indi­vi­du­al group mem­ber is given the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pre­sent their con­cerns and recei­ves an indi­vi­du­al tea­ching unit tail­o­red to them.
The advan­ta­ge of group les­sons is that the par­ti­ci­pan­ts can also learn by obser­ving the other group mem­bers and can often app­ly what they have obser­ved to them­sel­ves.
You are wel­co­me to regis­ter with us as a group.
For an online les­son, you need an internet-enabled device and the opti­on to use video via Zoom or Teams. Good light­ing con­di­ti­ons are an advantage.

Wri­te us an email or call us and to make an appoint­ment with us.